Game of Steel Balls Powering Industries

In childhood boys have a fancy over ball bearings and steel balls as they play with those unused ball bearings to built up their miniature heavy truck or toy.But actually steel balls have a large scale applications from small scale to large scale industries in various roles.Have a little discussion on the steel ball game powering our industries. How a Ball is Made In the first step, heading machines cut wire into short lengths and form it into spherical shapes between dies. Deflashing : The flash line, a ridge left by the forming dies, is removed as balls roll between heavy, cast iron plates. Soft Grinding: Similar to deflashing, except that a grinding stone is used to improve precision. Heat-treating: Carbon steel balls are next carburized and hardened. Heat treatment imparts the desired hardness and case depth. Descaling: This step removes the residues and by-products from the heat-treating process. Hard Grindi...