Steel Tycoons With Golden Visions

In steel industry each milestone is a big step and every business is a big deal.The steel industry was booming through the 19th and 20th centuries,countless millionaires and billionaires were made with ever shining strong backbone industry.The success stories and lives of steel Tycoons are quite interesting as they formed the hard strong basis for a richer country economy directly and indirectly. Great insights and golden vision made these steel entrepreneurs to become multi-millionaires and tycoons in the industrial map of world.

Top 8 Steel Tycoons

1.Andrew Carnegie

Born in Scotland, Andrew Carnegie was one of handful of industrialists who shaped modern America.He founded Carnegie steel company.Andrew spent his first half of his life gaining great wealth and the second half giving the vast majority of it away.No one before him had ever given so much to charity or inspired so many more to do so.He sold his company for 480 million dollars in 1901.

2.J R D Tata

Not only an industrialist but also become India's first ever licensed pilot.Born as a member of Tata family ,going to steel industry was an easy option for him.He is the founder of Air India,Tata Tea,Tata Motors,Titan Industries and several other companies.A successful industrialist with a fortune of 100 million dollar in 1990,JRD Tata has become the synonym of richness in India as people use to say ” I am not Tata to spend or buy sometimes costly”.

3.Jamsetji Tata

Father of all Indian heavy industries and great visionary who founded Tata Steel.He was born in 1839 to a family of humble priests.He purchased a bankrupt oil mill and brought it to profitable, from there he expanded into steel. By the time of his death in 1904,he had a net-worth of 1 million pounds.Tata is now the biggest Indian corporation and an International business group.

4.Henry Clay Frick

Wealthy Industrialists by the end of Victorian era ,he rode the wave of American Industrialization.Henry Frick went into business with Andrew Carnegie and he was a lucky guy in steel business to emerge as a steel tycoon.

5.Lakshmi Mittal

The CEO of the world's biggest steel company with a net worth of about 8.8 million US dollars, known as the king of Steels.Lakshmi Mittal is the Indian Steel Tycoon based in Great Britain.He also plays the role of political advisor in India and other countries.

6.Sanjeev Gupta

He founded his steel company liberty house,which has a revenue of billions per year.Sanjeev Gupta is known for purchasing smaller steel companies all over the world.While he was a student at the University of Cambridge ,he started his industry .When the British steel industry is on the brink of collapse, Sanjeev Gupta emerged as a tycoon and a potential Savior of it.

7.J P Morgan

He isn't usually remembered as steel tycoon but more as a financier.He played an important role in funding the US Steel company.US steel valued around 1.4 billion in 1901.Morgan had complete dominance over corporate acquisitions during year 1990 in US.

8.William Henry Moore

William held an important role in steel industry as the director of several companies.He controlled shares in American Bridge Company, American Wire & Steel company, Federal Steel Company,Lake Superior Consolidated Iron Mines,National Tube Company and other several companies.He took over the famous Carnegie Steel Company along with J P Morgan.Moore was actually a Judge and financiar but emerged as a wealthy steel tycoon.

Steel Is evershining

Tycoon lists are as long as the offering of political party during pre election.Many are successful with steel industry that's why they spread across every parts of world.Steel suppliers In Dubai, shows a rapid growth in their business because of the global demand for steel in every industry and development.Those steel Tycoons and visionaries paved the golden path for many new entrepreneurs to test their luck in Steel Industry. A heavy Industry with heavy Income and more business opportunities,steel industry is expecting more growth in coming years ,producing new Tycoons for current decade.


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